December 14, 2015



12-14. 7:00 pm. Board of Education Meeting. HS/LGI

12-16. 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm. PTA  Pie Order Pick-up / 7:00 PM – Lindemann 4th & 5th Grade Winter Concert. Center for the Arts.

12-17. 7:00 pm. Elementary Honor Choir and Lindemann Chime Choir Concert. Center for the Arts.

12-18. 2:00 pm. Pie Throwing @ Teachers and Mr. Darga (Gym).

12-19 – 1-3-16. Winter Break


01/04/16. Classes Resume

01/06. 7:00 pm. PTSA Reflections Tea (District) Center for the Arts.

 01/07. There is no scheduled PTA meeting for the month of January.

01/11. 7:00 pm. Board of Education Mtg. APHS – LGI

01/15. No School for Students.  Professional Development for Teaching Staff

01/19. 7:00 pm.  PTA Event: Lincoln Park Skating Event

01/25. 7:00 pm. Board of Education Mtg. APHS – LGI

01/26. 6:30 pm. Middle School Orientation – 5th Grade Parents at the Middle School

01/29. End of 1st Semester.

 Christmas Stories with Mr. Darga

I really enjoyed visiting classrooms and spending time with our students before our winter break. During my visit, I read stories, passed out candy canes and talked about the story’s message. As the building principal, I could not be prouder of our students at Lindemann elementary.  We all agreed, it is not what is under the Christmas tree that’s important, it’s THE PEOPLE around it that matters most. 

Wishing you and your family the very best this holiday season!


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Lindemann Staff Members Donate 66 Handmade Blankets and 42 Scarfs to families in need this holiday season. On behalf of our Lindemann Family and School Community, I would like to give a special thank you to the following staff members who participated: 

Dr. Janine Hall, Karin Trudell, Amanda Flynn, Tina Waldus, Jennifer Kusulas, Marlene Torok, Georgiana Asteriou, Kristy Wilkerson. Karen Zakhar, Erin Woods and Dianne Addonizio

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holiday concert


Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Skebo have been hard at work preparing for the Winter Concert season!

Please join us for the following concerts:

Wednesday, Dec. 16th. Lindemann 4th & 5th Grade Winter Concert

Thursday, Dec. 17th. Elementary Honor Choir & Lindemann Chime Choir.

All concerts will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Allen Park Center for the Arts.

Holiday Concert (700x337)


CONGRATULATIONS To Mr. Skebo and our Musicians!

Wow, what a concert!  This past Thursday 12/10), musicians from Arno, Bennie and Lindemann dazzled the crowd as they played some of our favorite holiday songs.  It was a magical night that put you into the holiday spirit.  We were all tapping our toes and singing along quietly as the band played song after song.  I would like to congratulate Mr. Skebo and all of our students.  A special congratulations go out to the musicians at Lindemann elementary, I am proud of each and every student:

Lucas Frazier, Lindsey Canning, Brooke Johnson, Steven Reason, Christina Artress, Molly Bartoszek, Logan Crank, Noah Nowicki, Averi Toler, Joshua Alvarado and Tyler Bunse






On behalf of the Lindemann PTA, I am pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Founder’s Day Awards for Lindemann Elementary.  Thank you to those who sent nominations on behalf of our staff, programs, and partners.  A banquet will be held to honor the recipients on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at Red Fawn Banquet Center.

Outstanding Educator
Mrs. Krissy Bowdell
Outstanding Program 
Mileage Club
Outstanding Support Personnel
Mrs. Diane Gurisko – Lunchroom Staff
Business Partner of the year
Allen Park Chiropractic
Distinguished Service
Mahara (Maria) Abdelsalem
Michigan Lifetime Nominee
Laura Corradi (will be voted on at the council level)




As an incentive, our top selling students get to throw pies at their Most Wanted Staff Member on Dec. 18th.

Currently, 71 students have chosen Mr. Darga!  


We would like to thank our parents for participating this past November and taking an active role in your child’s education.  We hosted 654 Parent Conferences with an attendance rate (parent participation) of 96%.  If you were not able to see your child’s teacher or have any concerns academically or socially please email them to set up an additional appointment.   


Kiwanis, which has been in Allen Park since 1939 and is celebrating their 100 year anniversary, came to Lindemann on Thursday to donate a new dictionary to every third grade student.  Dave Goodwin, who spoke with the classes indicated that this is the Kiwanis’s 10th year of donating dictionaries.  We thank them for this great resource gift to our kids!





OVER $5,000 Raised & Donated

In Just 3.5 Weeks!

On behalf of the Lindemann PTA, we want to express our thanks to our students, parents and staff for their support of the Change War to Help for the Holidays!  We appreciate you encouraging your students’ generosity.
Our Lindemann Lions collected over $5,000 in the last 3-1/2 weeks!!!  This money will benefit both the Fish & Loaves Community Food Pantry and the APHS Toy Box Campaign.  Great job, Lions!  It is truly heartwarming to be a part of this PTA event.
The hallway poster will be updated Monday morning and the teachers of the top 3 classes will notified via email.
If any additional donations should happen to come in on Monday morning, please send them down to the office.  Thank you.
Thank you again for your support!  Have a great weekend!


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Snow Policy

As we have already been hit with one snowstorm, more is always on its way.  As far as snow goes at Lindemann, please read the following:

1. As long as our play areas have been treated, we will continue to go out throughout the winter (as long as the wind chill/temp stays at or above 20 Degrees).

2. Students who wish to be in the snow should at a minimum be in boots and protective leg wear to keep them dry.  This prevents large amounts of students from needing a clothing change, and missing class time.   Students who are not wearing protective covering for the snow will be required to stay out of the snow for recess.

3. Snow stays on the ground.  Please talk with your child about the dangers of throwing snowballs, which can sometimes contain ice.  Students are free to build a snowman or snow fort, etc., things that keep the snow on the ground.

All of these rules apply before/after school, lunch, recess and walking home from school.

New Year 2016

New Resolutions


Everyone thinks of changing the world, but so few think of changing themselves first.

How disappointed would you be to get to the end of your life and discover that you were made to be great while all you did was wait around?

It’s time to get present, challenge yourself, and change things for the better!

Will you be able to change everything?  No.  In fact there may be lots of things you want to change that can’t be changed.  But YOU can still change!

Even when you are no longer able to change a situation, you are challenged to change yourself.  And that makes all the difference in the world.

With this simple truth in mind, here are my challenges to you for the upcoming month – a positive to-do list for 30 days of personal greatness:

  1. When a new day begins, challenge yourself to smile genuinely and gratefully.
  2. When you don’t get what you want, challenge yourself to appreciate that there are lots of people in this world who will never have what you have right now.
  3. When holding on no longer seems reasonable, challenge yourself to appreciate the fact that nothing in life is permanent, and to realize that once you embrace this you can do almost anything you wish because you’re not trying to hold onto anything anymore.
  4. When you catch yourself thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, challenge yourself to water the grass you’re standing on.
  5. When you absolutely can’t control what’s happening to you, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening – in your response is your power.
  6. When it seems like problems are stacking up, challenge yourself to face these problems positively.
  7. When there seems to be little hope, challenge yourself to find some.
  8. When the road ahead seems too rough, challenge yourself to acknowledge that there’s absolutely nothing about your present circumstances that prevents you from making progress, one small step at a time.
  9. When you catch yourself overthinking things, challenge yourself to take a step forward instead.
  10. When you are completely uncertain about what the future will bring, challenge yourself to make the best and most positive use of the present.
  11. When you have two good choices, challenge yourself to go with the one that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to help you grow.
  12. When you are going to do something – anything at all – challenge yourself to do it with enthusiasm and devotion.
  13. When others say your ideas are crazy, challenge yourself to do what feels right anyway, to not care if your goals seem crazy to others, and to remember that the crazy ideas are the ones that often have the greatest impact.
  14. When there are lots of excuses for why you can’t get it done, challenge yourself to focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.
  15. When you find yourself wishing for instant gratification, challenge yourself to admit that if you could have it all instantly, it would not be worth having – for the real value of accomplishment is in the accomplishing.
  16. When mistakes are made, challenge yourself to learn from them, laugh about them, and waste not a minute on past outcomes you can’t control.
  17. When you find yourself trying to control too much, and thus enjoying too little, challenge yourself to let go, relax, take a deep breath and appreciate “what is” for a while.  (Read Loving What Is.)
  18. When there is needless drama and negativity surrounding you, challenge yourself to look the other way.
  19. When your own negativity tries to break through, challenge yourself to recall that you are in control of the way you look at life, and then use your struggles and frustrations to motivate yourself rather than annoy yourself.
  20. When you find yourself running in place attempting to fix and fight the old, challenge yourself to build and grow something new instead.
  21. When doing the wrong things is easier, challenge yourself to do the right thing, even if no one else will ever know – because YOU will know.
  22. When you catch yourself praying for an easy life, challenge yourself to pray for the strength to endure a difficult one that’s worth living.
  23. When everything seems jumbled and rushed, challenge yourself to take a step back so you can see things clearly again.
  24. When you meet someone new, challenge yourself to be patient with them, to  pay attention to them, and to remember that everyone you meet has something important to teach you.
  25. When you don’t like someone, challenge yourself to identify an insecurity within yourself that they are triggering.
  26. When someone treats you poorly, challenge yourself to treat them with kindness and respect anyway – not because they are nice, but because you are (and then walk the other way if you must).
  27. When a negative situation gets emotional, take a deep breath, and challenge yourself to remember that inner peace begins the moment you decide not to let another person or event control your emotions.
  28. When someone you meet is lost, challenge yourself to help them find their way.
  29. When a friend falls down, challenge yourself to be the first to extend a hand.
  30. When each day has ended, challenge yourself to appreciate that you have done your very best.

 On behalf of the staff at Lindemann Elementary School,

I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!  

May you be surrounded by family, friends, good health and happiness.
